How does NAET work?

At the heart of NAET lies a deep understanding of the energy imbalances that can accumulate within the DNA structure of the mitochondria, which resides within our cells.

By leveraging the power of energy inversion, we can effectively cancel out these stored imbalances, much like the way noise cancelling headphones block out unwanted sounds.

This approach allows us to tackle the root cause of various health issues and restore balance to the body’s natural energy systems, leading to improved overall health and wellness.

it is a non-invasive, drug-free, holistic treatment, based on a combination of knowledge and techniques borrowing from Western medicine (allopathic) and traditional Oriental medicine (e.g. chiropractic, kinesiology, and acupuncture). The body is thought to be functioning only in the presence of vital energy, flowing through energy pathways, called meridians. When there is a disruption in the energy flow through the meridians (an increase or decrease) energy blockages can occur, causing symptoms and illness. A disruption in the energy flow can be caused by any physical or psychological trauma, such as infections, organ dysfunctions, or emotional stress. Meridian theory explains the mechanisms of energy blockages in the energy meridians and how energy blockages lead to functional imbalances and diseases.